
Labeling Theory of the Uneducated Black Man Essay

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The Uneducated Black Male; Labeling Theory
If the Looking Glass Theory is correct and people base their identity on how society views them then the Labeling Theory is the main cause for the education woes of the young Black male.
I. Introduction
Education should be for everyone, no one should be left behind yet forty four percent of Black men are illiterate. Why is this? There are many theories from lack of inclusion in society to Imperialist Patriarchy. Whatever the cause the issue needs to be resolved. Toby S. Jenkins (Mr. Nigger), Hooks (We Real Cool Black Men and Masculinity) and T. C. Howard (
Who Really Cares? The Disenfranchisement of African-American Males in PreK-12 Schools) attempt to address the issues that have led to the …show more content…

Nigger” despite all his achievements. This is the saddest statement I have ever heard. Young Black males must surely be aware that the society in which they live will never see them as anything but a nigger no matter what they may achieve. I could then see why the Black male would feel it was futile to hope or dream for anything more. However Jenkins does offer a myriad of solutions to the problems of educating the Black male.
Hooks takes on the issues of Black males and education in a more abrasive manner (than Jenkins or Howard. Not as dry as the other two writings Hooks piece is more entertaining with insights such as (“Crime is an Equal-opportunity employer. It never discriminates. Anybody
Can enter the field. You don’t need a college education. You don’t need a G.E.D. You don’t have to be any special color.You don’t need white people to like you”. However Hooks offer very few solution to the problems facing black males today and especially in the Education arena.
Howard is the voice of the alarmist” These questions are raised because a close examination of the current state of education for African American males in PreK-12 schools reveals that these students’ underachievement and disenfranchisement in schools and society seem to be reaching pandemic and life threatening proportions”. Howard catches the reader’s attention from the first chapter with thought provoking questions such as “if a whole ethnic

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