
Lack Of National Interest In The United States

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National interest is the wants of a nation which includes economic prosperity, security, and policies that promote shared beliefs and values. National interest is a concept in which every nation has. It shapes the foreign policies as well as domestic policies. Every nation has national interest however the main difference is how far a nation is willing to achieve it. Not every nation will agree to the extent it should be pursued. There are many ways to go about national interests. In deciding on what the national interest of the nation is, the government will either listen to their people or make their own decisions. The government has to decide what’s best for the nation as a whole, knowing that a portion of their nation won’t agree. SOURCE 1: Source one is a quotation by Monica Crowley which …show more content…

This source states “ A president is supposed to calm the American people with sober decision-making in the national interest” Monica is implying that the people will follow the president in decisions made for the national interests. However this will cause a reaction therefore it's the president's job to calm the people. Monica is suggesting that if the president made decisions with the right state of mind, it will minimize the reaction of the people. Although not everyone will have the same values and ideas about what is best for the nation, it’s on the president to control the reaction. We can infer that Monica is claiming that national interest should be pursued in a way that benefits the nation and ensures the national interest. We can infer this because it says “ to calm the American people with sober decision-making in the national interest.” For example in the ending of world war one the Germans could have kept fighting the war until they were physically incapable and refuse to sign the treaty of Versailles. However both their allies were defeated and the people of the nation were starving. In addition their army wanted

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