In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare we see the character of Lady Macbeth and her relationship with Macbeth as destructive as she supports his bad ambitions to fulfil the witches prophecy as soon as possible. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is a brave soldier, but because his ambitions get out of hand, he kills King Duncan so that he can become the King. Ambitions make people try hard to achieve any of their goals and it will make people do the things that they never done before. But ambitions can lead to some bad consequences and it can lead to a person or couple’s downfall. The purpose of the writer is to show how destructive a relationship can be when Lady Macbeth provokes Macbeth, which leads to guilt. Lady Macbeth was a supportive …show more content…
Shakespeare has shown us guilt by creating imagery that it has controlled us. We see this when Macbeth kills King Duncan after Lady Macbeth forces him. As Macbeth wants to become the King, Lady Macbeth orders him to kill King Duncan. Just before Macbeth kills King Duncan he goes into a soliloquy as his mind is playing tricks on him imagining the dagger. “ Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.” His consciousness is playing tricks with him as he kill King Duncan. Shakespeare shows the imagery of blood and it shows us the guilt that Macbeth is feeling after killing Duncan. “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?. Macbeth is thinking if any of the water can wash off the blood of his hands as he has killed King Duncan. He is guilty of committing the crimes he has made and nothing can make the guilt go away. We see that Macbeth cannot stop thinking about what he did and continues to regret. But Lady Macbeth doesn't care about him killing King Duncan and practically told him to shrug it off. "A little water clears us of this deed" showing that he will forget about it and he won't feel the guilt anymore. Shakespeare shows how Lady Macbeth doesn’t have any guilt and she believes it is easy to hide it. This shows the relationship is destructive as Lady Macbeth takes control of Macbeth to kill King Duncan, and tells him not to be a coward and forget about that he killed Duncan. The dagger is that he sees is his weapon which he cannot take off his mind. Everything he has done, he is regretting it now. In our society today guilt is very powerful as it makes us think of what has happen and it haunts us. It’s our human nature to feel guilt when we do something we’re not supposed to do, since it’s not the right
In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, the audience is shown the relationship between the character of Lady Macbeth and the character of Macbeth as both a supportive and a destructive relationship. This is because Lady Macbeth supports Macbeth’s destructive ambitions such as killing the King so that he, himself could become the King of Scotland. Not only does she support his ambitions, but she also provokes Macbeth to a point of almost “bullying” Macbeth to submit to his darkest of ambitions and pressuring him into killing the king, a decision that he regrets till the end of his days. The writer, Shakespeare, shows this to the audience to illustrate the point that even the best of us can give in to evils such as avarice, temptation and greed and become a monster because of
In play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is one of William Shakespeare’s most dominant and frightening female characters, known for her ambitious nature. As Macbeth’s wife, her role is significant in his rise and fall from royalty. During Shakespearean times, women were regarded as weak insignificant beings that were there to give birth and look beautiful. They were not thought to be as intelligent or equal to men. Though in Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is the highest influence in Macbeth’s life. Her role was so large; in fact, that she uses her position to gain power, stay strong enough to support her unstable Lord, and fails miserably while their
Lady Macbeth performs to lure attention away from Macbeth. Her actions divulge her hideous treachery in persuading Macbeth to commit a sickening crime. In Scene 3, she takes centre stage twice and acts upon it to prove innocent and attempts to cover up for Macbeth. She faints. Except, it’s all to cover up the condescendence.
Ambition is a trait Lady Macbeth carries out through a majority of the play; especially in the beginning. We first see Lady Macbeth's ambitious ways after she reads the letter from Macbeth in Act I. Post reading it she declares “Glamis thou art and Cawdor and shalt be what thou art promised”. (1.5.15-16) This statement is her telling Macbeth that he WILL become king as promised. Lady Macbeth doesn’t like to go back on her word, therefore since she told Macbeth she would help his promise come true, she will do everything in her power to do so. The letter triggers her into becoming power hungry. That power hungry pulls out her cunning is Lady Macbeth who created the plan to kill duncan. She plotted his murder making a cunning plan that
“'s true that some of the most terrible things in the works are done by people who think, genuinely think, that they're doing it for the best” (Terry Pratchett). In Shakespeare’s play, The Scottish Play, Macbeth is driven by selfish desires to take his fate into his own hands and go to extremes to obtain the title of King of Scotland. At the start of his pursuit for power his actions are planned and his first murder has real meaning behind it. Next, Macbeth targets the man who will father future kings. Finally, Macbeth becomes so paranoid and overcome with guilt that he has innocent women and children murdered. What starts as selfish ambition can quickly grow into an all consuming force, causing one to abandon one's honor, lose friends
Ambition is often the driving force in one’s life. It can have an extremely dominant impact on not only yourself, but also many people in your surroundings. You have the ability to control if the outcomes either have a lasting negative or positive effect. When a goal requires determination and hard work to complete, personal morals often take a back seat to the aspiration of accomplishing the goal. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, it is clear that like many other great leaders, Macbeth exemplifies the necessary leadership virtue of ambition. Macbeth’s ambition does not just drive him to do great things. It in fact controls him. The playwright explores the idea of how an individual’s ambition can cause them to deceive others, make irrational
Macbeth doesn't want to be a murderer but is willing to do whatever it takes to be king. “If the assassination could trammel up the consequence, and catch With his surcease success; that but this blow Might be the be-all and the end-all here, But here, upon this bank and shoal of time, We’d jump the life to come.” Here, he is saying that if killing people would fix things, he would risk everything to do get it done. Macbeth does what he thinks is necessary to take the throne. He is also very sure of himself. Confident that he won't get caught. Later on, he says, “I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition...” Here he is telling us that the only thing that is pushing him forward is his ambition. His insanely strong ambition to become king. He definitely has a much stronger personality than Lady Macbeth.
Initially more enterprising than her husband, Lady Macbeth ends up by falling into a psychic decline (Bloom 521-522). In The Invention of the Human, Harold Bloom affirms that the madness of the Queen surpasses a ”trauma merely of guilt.” (529) Once the act of usurping the crown has succeeded, her husband turns from her and “the mutual greatness they had promised each other” (529) reduces.
Love is a special emotion that is inherited by everyone. However, as expressed by the writers of Macbeth, Wuthering Heights, and My Last Duchess, love can expressly get destructive. Sometimes, there appears to be no balance of power between the relationships of men and women. Ambition plays an extensive factor in the disruption of love. Macbeth had to overcome several obstacles as a result of his ambition.
There are many different themes displayed in Shakespeare's famous play Macbeth. Many of these themes play with nature, the supernatural, and fate. From ghosts to horses eating each other the play uses symbolism, language, and characters to portray these themes. During the play the audience learns of several themes such as ambition, guilt, fate versus free will, nature versus the unnatural, and how things are not always as they seem.
Even though I think that Macbeth is one of if not the most interesting character to look at when it come to ambition. Personally, my favorite ambitious character would have to be
The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare recounts Macbeth's meteoric rise as a soldier and promising future leader whose megalomaniacal ambition led to his tragic downfall. In addition to Macbeth's ambitions, which initially enable him to be strong leader and soldier, he is influenced heavily by his wife, Lady Macbeth, and the three witches that prophesize his ascent to the throne, as well as warn him of his eventual demise. It can be argued that it is Macbeth's ambition that allows him to succeed in his endeavors, however the goals to which he is working toward influence the results of his hard work. Macbeth's ambitions help him to become a war hero, and as his goals change, his ambitions drive him to become a tyrannical villain.
In the Shakespearean tragedy Macbeth, Shakespeare utilizes a theme of extreme ambition to expose the wrongdoing of traitorous characters, especially using it to depict and emphasize the tyranny of King Macbeth. There are essentially 2 main traitors in Macbeth, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. These two characters essentially antagonize the play due to their justification of their evil-doing for their subsequent good. Early in the play, Macbeth encounters 3 fortune-telling witches.
Timothy Leary once said, "Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition" (Peters 175). But is this true in the case of the classic play Macbeth? In Macbeth it seems to be, that Macbeth the protagonist of the play is influence by Lady Macbeth's ambition. Could this be an exception or was Lady Macbeth lying when she ask to be equal to a man so she could commit the murder ( To understand one must look deeply into the plot and many themes of Macbeth. William Shakespeare uses ambition among other things to imply may different ideas. Thus, Macbeth's downfall is a direct cause of Lady Macbeth's goading and ambition.
Ambition is a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. In Williams Shakespeare 's Macbeth the characters Lady Macbeth and Macbeth have a strong desire to ascend the throne and they are determined to do whatever it takes in order to achieve this goal, including deceiving and killing those they are closest to. The zeal of ambition predominately persuades both characters actions in Macbeth. Lady Macbeth portrays how the forces of ambition strike her to instil a powerful drive in her husband, also how she demonstrates an overweening pride and lack of morals in order to reach a goal and lastly how ambition leads Macbeth to betray those cares about most.