
Lady Macbeth's Ambition

Satisfactory Essays

As a reader , that information from the story. It raises a red flag because first off, because she was a woman in an Era where women never said very much, for the reader it was a bit of a shocker. Lady Macbeth was so power driven that she forgets the time that she was living in, and as the reader , we became anxious to see the way she handle the situation. While Macbeth is away in the battle he visits three witches who told him that he is destined to be a king. His ambitions became known as his plan comes together, but he quickly begins to back down when it was time to kill Duncan. Macbeth starts backpedaling saying things like, “if chance will have me , king, why, chance may crown me” (Act 1, Scene 3). He is basically saying if it’s his destiny

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