
Lady Macbeth's Desire For Power

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It is human nature to desire more power, but the the path you take to achieve it will ultimately lead to your success or your downfall. This is outlined clearly through the character Lady Macbeth in William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is originally desperate for power in whatever form she can get it. Consequently, to receive what she wants she results in using the influence she has to perform violent actions. To her own demise this results in madness and eventually death. Therefore in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Lady Macbeth's ambitious desire for power and control leads to the manipulation of others to perform desires she is not capable of, which ultimately results in violence and cruelty leaving a burden on her conscience …show more content…

Lady Macbeth while in sleep is not in her right mind and reveals information better left hidden. While, Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking she relives the murder of Duncan . She mentions saying “a soldier,/and afeard? What need we fear who knows it,/ When none can call our power to account? Yet who would/have thought the old man to have so much blood in him”(1.5 32-36)? Lady Macbeth reliving such a violent moment such as the murder of Duncan makes us see what kind of burden violence can leave on you. She cannot escape what she has done so instead she relives it in her sleep in a kind of nightmare to help her make sense of it all. Her shock to the blood of Duncan being in such great numbers reveals the overwhelming guilt on her conscience. She is surprised about how killing a human feels and haunts you so she relates that to her surprise of Duncan’s vast amount of blood. Also, Macbeth's guilt is further outlined through her various episodes while in her trance like sleepwalking. During Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking episode, she becomes angry at the “smell of blood”(5.1 44) she imagines in her hand, she says “all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand”(5.1 44-45).Lady Macbeth imagining a stain that is not on her hand reveals the madness in her mind. She cannot tell what is real and what is not. She imagines to help her explain what she is going through. The blood staining her hand is signifying the guilt that stained her heart. This guilt is not being washed or hidden away even with all the work she does to try and make it. Lady Macbeth referring her hand as “little” signifies the innocence that she had which now corrupt and stained with guilt due to the violence she has committed. As a result, the guilt due to Lady Macbeth’s previous actions reveals itself in its strongest way

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