
Laissez-Faire Capitalism

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Founded on democracy and freedom, the United States’ very roots are being attacked. Although the transition has been passive and nearly undetectable, America’s fundamental beliefs in the freedom of the individual are gradually being modified. As government intervention continues to burgeon, American citizens’ rights are beginning to diminish. This is noticeable through the implementation of federal health care (known as the Affordable Care Act) and the overall increase of government involvement in regards to the lives of its people. This results in a reduced ability for laissez-faire capitalism, which literally translates to “leave alone” in French—an economic theory in which the economy is run without the government’s involvement. While no …show more content…

This further hinders the spreading of bigotry by allowing minorities to surface and form alliances to protest unfair treatment. The freedom to join with fellow citizens in peaceful protest and assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and allows for these alliances to fight the discrimination prevalent in today’s culture. This allowance of public speech is vitally important for a country to be successful and strong within its own borders. For example, if a country governed under a constitutional democratic republic sees its leader as nefarious or scheming, they can impeach him or her with peaceful protest, instead of forming a violent mob of citizens. A historical example of a lack of freedom to protest peacefully can be seen in the French Revolution. The king and queen were terribly unqualified and incompetent leaders, which lead the country to famine and financial crisis. However at this time, France’s government was a monarchy, which does not allow for the freedom to protest peacefully. This forced citizens to form mobs and respond with a violent outbreak against the throne, resulting in the death of both King Louis XVI, and Queen Marie Antoinette (“French Revolutionaries”). On the other hand, modern-day examples of alliances that have formed due to the freedom of association and freedom to assemble peacefully include the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (PACER), and the National Urban League (“Civil Rights”). On their website, the NGLTF explains the history of their formation and

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