Lakota Native Americans were also known as Sioux. The Great Sioux Nation descended from the original inhabitants in North America. The Sioux nation was a vast tribe and made up of three sections which was based on their locality, tongue and their subculture. The Sioux Indians initially lived as Woodland Indians along the upper Mississippi in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. They were pushed west by the Europeans and their Chippewa associates. During the migration, west to the Great Plains the tribe parted into three partitions, the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota. These names all mean "Allies" or "Confederates."
The Lakota Indians were known for their warrior philosophy and were also major rivals of the US Army. The Sioux tribe spoke Siouan and their
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The role of the males was to protect hunt and fight. The woman had to clean, prepared foods and put up their house called teepees. Both share taking care of the kids depending on gender, dad would take care of the boys and show them how to hunt and find food. On the other hand, mom would take care of the girls and show them their roles as females. Once a man was interested in a female, he had to bring gift to the father. Depending on how wealthy the family was, so was the gift value. If a girl’s family was a high-ranking member the man brings something costly like one hundred horses. In this case the man could ask family and friends for help in gathering the horses. After the father accepts the gift or gifts he gives his daughter to the man and they can go live together, usually a feast would follow. The newly couple would typically move close to the matrilineal side of the family to ensure financial …show more content…
A man only must pick up his belongings and walk away as the house or teepees belong to the woman. Polygyny was also normal to the natives, Europeans thought this to be savage but in fact is was a responsibility. A man depended on the wife and she depended on him. A man could have as many wives as he could take care off. Women needed the protection of a husband and was respected. If a husband abused or neglected a wife he was shun from the tribe. Children didn’t have a negative impact to the separation because the whole tribe took care of them and thought them on what was expected.
Individuals that were homosexual or transgender were highly accepted. The were called “two spirits”. They thought of them being superior individuals as the balance both genders in one body. They were often considered the medicine man or calf women of the tribe, the one that is connected to the spirits of the universe or the seeker. It was viewed as a gifted person that could see the future or had a special connection to Wakan Tanka their God and creator of all things. Sioux believed that everything had a spirit and we were all connected
Cherokee Indians have been around for many years, but when the topic of Native Americans is discussed it is only about the struggles and hardships they went through but never their actual culture of how and where they originated or how they came to be. There are many interesting things to learn about Cherokee Indians such as their heritage, religion, language, and their traditional songs, dances, and food.
European Americans have commonly failed to recognize the plurality of American Indian groups, as they have classified all Indians as being in the same group of “natural beings” that wear feathers and ride on horses. However, there are many different American Indian groups and communities, and some groups had further divisions, such as the Lakota. The Lakota were made of seven tribes, the Oglalas, Brulés, Minneconjous, Hunkpapas, Two Kettles, Sihasapas, and Sans Arcs (7). Out of these, the Oglalas and the Brulés got the most attention, as they spent the most time in the Black Hills out of the tribes; however, the other tribes were definitely affected by United States policy too as the Europeans set up forts all over their territory (13).
The word Sioux stands for “little snake”, this name is from the Chippewa Warriors because The Sioux Indians had long black hair, which is from their Asian
At the same time there is a certain amount of equality between the men and women. Women can perform much of the same tasks that the opposite sex does without much, if any, chastisement or ridicule. Females have about just as much say when it comes to the inner workings of the society like marriages, child rearing, child birth, and ownership of goods and land. Most females are the initiators of divorce as explained in the book. Sexual equality is probably the most apparent amongst the tribesmen and women. Women are at times are forthcoming in their wants and needs when it comes to their sexual appetites and advances.
The Sioux and Chippewa Indian tribes’ have a drastically different way of living compared to what other people are accustomed to in terms of their history, clothing, tools, and weapons needed for survival. The Sioux Indians were originally from Asia, but migrated to America about 30,000 years ago. Their long, straight jet-black hair resembles that of the Asian descendants. The Sioux tribes were located in The Great Plains, which consists of 7 different states Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota; however, they were also known to live in parts of Nebraska, Illinois, and Montana. “The name Sioux is an abbreviation of Nadouessioux. (Britannica) The name was given to them by the Ojibwa (Chippewa). Sioux means, “Little snake”. The Sioux tended to follow the pattern of the buffalo, which is why they are found in multiple locations.
The Lakota Indians, are sometimes known as the Sioux, but they call themselves the Lakota, which is translated as ‘friend’ or ‘ally’ in their native tongue. Their description of themselves make sense when looking at their seven virtues that they live by, “These are Wóčhekiye (Prayer), Wóohola (Respect), Wówauŋšila (Compassion), Wówičakȟe (Honesty), Wówačhaŋtognaka (Generosity), Wówaȟwala (Humility) and Wóksape (Wisdom) (“Lakota Today”). A culture’s idea of the most importance qualities a good person should have gives a good idea of what kind of people they are. The Lakota’s virtues all revolve around a general concept of respect for everything, compassion, humility, and honesty. These things can either refer to their fellow man, or
Great plains and the tribe is the sioux tribe. “The Sioux tribe were famous for their hunting and warrior culture. The Sioux tribe were famous for their hunting and warrior culture. Siouan men were noted for their great courage and physical strength.” They were a nomadic tribe who roamed the Great Plains hunting the buffalo (bison).
The Sioux and Chippewa Indian tribes’ have a drastically different way of living compared to what other people are accustomed to in terms of their history, food , and their roles in their tribes. The Sioux Indians were originally from Asia, but migrated to America about 30,000 years ago. Their long, straight jet-black hair resembles that of the Asian descendants. The Sioux tribes were located in The Great Plains, which consists of 7 different states Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota; however, they were also known to live in parts of Nebraska, Illinois, and Montana. “The name Sioux is an abbreviation of Nadouessioux. (Britannica) The name was given to them by the Ojibwa (Chippewa). Sioux means, “Little snake”. The Sioux tended to follow the pattern of the buffalo, which is why they are found in multiple locations.
This was a very sharp contrast to the Europeans, whom had for centuries, been the top of their social hierarchy. In Europe, the women had a very relatively primitive, limited role in society. They were not allowed to attend or partake in political affairs, with very few exceptions. Now, on the other hand, in Indian society there was a council of chiefs, whom was all male, but they were appointed by an elder women. Also, during their deliberation over issues, the males made the final decision, but would be expelled from the council, if they didn't conclude to the same decision that the elder woman came to. The women's main job in Indian society, was being in charge of cultivation of, harvest of, and distribution of food. When the men left to go hunting, women were left to run society. The Europeans simply believed that the males were far superior to the family, which is why women could not have jobs, and were left to only clean, cook, and various other household chores.
This included the use of dry farming and irrigation. It was the male’s job to deal with warfare and hunting and the females job to nurture the children, plant and gather crops and to prepare the food. Northern
The male had to show the woman’s father his skills as a hunter or warrior. If the father was impressed and approved of the marriage, the man and woman would exchange gifts of horses and clothing and were considered married. The married couple would reside in their own tipi or with the husband’s family. Although the man was permitted more than one wife, typically he only chose one. In cases of more than one wife, quite often the male would choose a sister of the wife, believing that sisters would not argue as much as total strangers
Throughout North American expansion the Lakota people have suffered some of the worst and straight forward persecutions against Native American Indians, and live in some of the poorest if not the poorest conditions in the United States. This is sad for a people who use to be one of the strongest nations in the Central Plains, feared by white men and other Indian nations alike for their ferocity and warrior abilities in the heat of battle. The Lakota arrived at positions of dominance because of their success in controlling live¬stock, land, trading rights, and people. Wars for conquest were motivated principally by these practical considerations, not driven by aggressive instincts. Their success in this respect rested
Lakota is a Siouan language, which spoken by its people (Lakota people) belonging to the Sioux tribes. It is one of the dialects of the Sioux language, the others being Dakota and Nakota (Powers, 2009). The term Sioux originated from Nadowe Su which means “Little Rattle” from the rattling sound made by snakes before they bite. Later, Nadowe dropped, and French trappers and traders changed Su to Sioux. Spoken by more than 30,000 people in the US and Canada and it, therefore, takes number five of the most spoken native languages in the United States.
The Sioux nation was divided into 7 groups. They were known as the 7 council fires. Each council fire had its own leaders and own group of families that always camped together. The largest Council Fire lived on the western plains. It was so big it was divided into 7 groups. It was called the Teton Sioux. They spoke the Lakota dialect of the Sioux language.
The Native women were also responsible for raising the family. While being married to a trader, the wife was supposed to act as one of their wives from back home. Usually the wife/mother would wake up early in the morning and start the day such by making food or even preparing the furs for them to be sent back to Europe. Most women would also catch the food for the family, while their husbands were occupied with the trades. They were also responsible for raising their daughters and teaching them the general skills of a woman. The sons would also stay with their mothers at home. However, when they became men they would follow their fathers and learn the business.