
Lakota Native Americans: The Great Sioux Nation

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Lakota Native Americans were also known as Sioux. The Great Sioux Nation descended from the original inhabitants in North America. The Sioux nation was a vast tribe and made up of three sections which was based on their locality, tongue and their subculture. The Sioux Indians initially lived as Woodland Indians along the upper Mississippi in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. They were pushed west by the Europeans and their Chippewa associates. During the migration, west to the Great Plains the tribe parted into three partitions, the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota. These names all mean "Allies" or "Confederates."
The Lakota Indians were known for their warrior philosophy and were also major rivals of the US Army. The Sioux tribe spoke Siouan and their …show more content…

The role of the males was to protect hunt and fight. The woman had to clean, prepared foods and put up their house called teepees. Both share taking care of the kids depending on gender, dad would take care of the boys and show them how to hunt and find food. On the other hand, mom would take care of the girls and show them their roles as females. Once a man was interested in a female, he had to bring gift to the father. Depending on how wealthy the family was, so was the gift value. If a girl’s family was a high-ranking member the man brings something costly like one hundred horses. In this case the man could ask family and friends for help in gathering the horses. After the father accepts the gift or gifts he gives his daughter to the man and they can go live together, usually a feast would follow. The newly couple would typically move close to the matrilineal side of the family to ensure financial …show more content…

A man only must pick up his belongings and walk away as the house or teepees belong to the woman. Polygyny was also normal to the natives, Europeans thought this to be savage but in fact is was a responsibility. A man depended on the wife and she depended on him. A man could have as many wives as he could take care off. Women needed the protection of a husband and was respected. If a husband abused or neglected a wife he was shun from the tribe. Children didn’t have a negative impact to the separation because the whole tribe took care of them and thought them on what was expected.
Individuals that were homosexual or transgender were highly accepted. The were called “two spirits”. They thought of them being superior individuals as the balance both genders in one body. They were often considered the medicine man or calf women of the tribe, the one that is connected to the spirits of the universe or the seeker. It was viewed as a gifted person that could see the future or had a special connection to Wakan Tanka their God and creator of all things. Sioux believed that everything had a spirit and we were all connected

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