
Lamb To Slaughter Vs Landlady Essay

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In the short story “The Landlady” written by Robert Dahl, and Alfred hitchcock’s “Lamb to slaughter” television show. Both writers portray both main characters as antagonists in their stories. Mary from “Lamb to slaughter” ,and the landlady from “the Landlady” show key traits which makes them similar to each other but also key differences. These include they are both extremely dangerous and manipulative people. But they are also different in the fact that The landlady kills with a more planned and thought out, while Mary is more off feeling and “thinking on her feet”. Their first and most obvious similarity is that they are cold blooded killers. Both characters are fully understanding of what they are wanting to accomplish. This is shown when the landlady gives Billy tea that “ tasted faintly of bitter almonds”. We can infer from this that her method of killing is threw poisoning the tea she gives to Billy. However Billy was not the first one to be killed by the Landlady. She had previously killed to other boys of roughly the same age the same way. This shows her true cold blooded nature that she can not just kill one but three people …show more content…

Were Mary is very spur of the moment and not premeditated. The Landlady is premeditated and thought out. Mary is very messy as she does not hide the body and try and cover it up. Instead she calls the police and lies to them about what happened. Also she uses force to kill her husband which is a kind of murder usually used by people with a lot of anger towards that person. Were The Landlady poisendes her victims. This is a very clean thought out premeditated way of committing murder. This most commonly used by people who want to remove themselves from the process. It is also a very clean way to commit murder. She doesn’t even need to break a sweat to kill Billy. This is a very psychotic murder unlike Mary who’s is a very enraged

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