
Langston Hughes Let America Be America Again

Decent Essays

The definition of modernism when referring to poetry is “an early twentieth-century artistic” that includes the following characteristics: “the desire to break away from established traditions, a quest to find fresh ways to view man's position or function in the universe, and experiments in form and style…” (Literary). One such poet that accomplishes all this, and more is Langston Hughes, a poet that most people consider a modernist. His topics include; dignity, the American Dream, racism, self-actualization, and many others. He wrote about things that people were afraid or uncomfortable to talk about, which definitely broke away from traditions set by romantic poetry. The poem of his that I chose to analyze is “Let America Be America …show more content…

That America needs to start being America again. Hughes’s structure, rhyme scheme and use of an extended metaphor puts a huge emphasis on the fact that there’s something amiss about America, that it’s not what people dreamed it would be, it’s basically a giant critique of what America has become. First comes analyzing the structure of “Let America Be America Again.” The differentiation of the structure is definitely more modernistic because of its variation. The structure of the poem is a long one because it has so many breaks, and a couple of long stanzas.
The first six stanzas are broken up into lines of four and lines of one. The first stanza begins with four lines: “Let America be America again/ Let it be the dream it used to be/ Let it be the pioneer on the plain/Seeking a home where he himself is free.” This stanza alone sets the tone for the rest of the poem. The next stanza is one line: “(America never was America to me).” It repeats this pattern two times, and then has two stanzas composed of two lines. The rest of the stanzas vary in size ranging from one line to twelve lines. This represents the fact that the problem …show more content…

Throughout the poem there is the extended metaphor that America is not what it is meant to be and is compared to what it should be. For example; “Let it be the dream it used to be,” and “…the land where every man is free” (Hughes). What Hughes is trying to say throughout this whole poem is that America used to be the place where anything could happen, anyone could be anything they wanted to be, but then people let a silly thing like skin color get in the way of that dream. How could America be the land of possibilities when there are people that are constantly terrified of doing something as simple as drinking from the wrong water fountain? “Let America Be America Again” is a very powerful piece of work and deals with the fact the America needs to start being the land of the free again, that it’s not living up to its name and that something needs to be done about it. Hughes poem, I think, is meant to be read very powerfully and emotionally. It also helps if the poem rhymes because then it is easier to spot the beat and sometimes helps the poem flow better. The structure of it can also be seen as an intense emotion because it goes from a pattern of four and one liners to a barrage of six and

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