
Langston Hughes Let America Be America Again

Decent Essays

In Langston Hughes poem, “Let America Be America Again”, he describes the dream he has for America to exist at its fullest potential. His dream for freedom, equality, and true democracy is heard loud and clear throughout this work of art. However, the downfall is that America is yet to live up to the standards it so proudly “represents”. The issue roots in the gap between what America claims to be and what it actually is. In this poem, we see where this gap lies and the reality of America is revealed. This gap is a huge contradiction in America’s existence that Langston Hughes isn’t afraid to confront. The gap between freedom and lack of equal freedom is something that America has previously, and still to this day, struggled with. “O, let my land be a land where Liberty is crowned with no false patriotic …show more content…

Quite obviously, things were much worse during Langston Hughes time, but the problem of racism and intolerance still exists within America today. While people who were outside of America imagined it to be sort of an escape, the reality of the country was merely what it claimed to be. America was a place people would seek as a home where freedom and liberty reigns. But instead, they would come here and often experience something completely different. The simple fact that one was an immigrant was enough for someone to snub them and look down on them. Is this not still the case today? Other than a few laws that request rights to certain things, America, in it’s day-to-day experience, was (and still is not) a country that practices freedom in every aspect of the word. The simple freedom within America is the core reason people are drawn to it, yet this is something it does not live up to. In Langston Hughes time, this was especially the case. This gap between what America wants/claims to be and what the reality of America is, is where the fall of this country

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