
Last Night I Dreamed of Peace is a Diary Composed by Doctor Dang Thuy Tram

Decent Essays

Last Night I Dreamed of Peace is a diary composed by Doctor Dang Thuy Trâm who served as a battlefield medic during the Vietnam War. Dang Thuy Trâm was twenty –four when she volunteered to serve as a doctor in a makeshift clinic for the National Liberation Front (the Viet Cong) in Quang Ngai Province. Last Night I Dreamed of Peace is the diary Trâm kept of her experiences while serving in the field. Her diary covers the period of April 1968 until her death by American soldiers in June 1970. Dang Thuy Trâm’s diary demonstrates how the “enemy is human” yet what she is fighting for is far more substantial than what the American’s fight for. Trâm’s diary is much more than the story of one young woman on the battlefield. Last Night I Dreamed of Peace provides an insight into Vietnamese life during the war as well as the motivations of the Vietnamese people.
If Philip Caputo’s memoir is meant to be the story of an American soldier, Trâm’s diary becomes the story of the Vietnamese people and their struggle. On May 7th 1970 Trâm recounts her feelings on the history of war in Vietnam, and how the people still remain undeterred. “Twenty-five years immersed in fire and bullets, we are still strong.” Not only after all this fighting and after all that Trâm herself has witnessed and endured she is still confident in her country. “We will persevere and be courageous and hold our heads high and take the offensive.” Trâm’s diary makes it clear that there was never any doubt in

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