
Lather And Nothing Else Analyse

Decent Essays

The short story Lather and Nothing Else by Hernando Tellez is about a barber that shaves a man who turns out to be the leader of the opposing political party during a revolution. This story most likely takes place in a small town in Latin America. The work of fiction is written in present tense, leaving a suspenseful tone throughout the story. In this piece of literature, there is an obvious external conflict, which is represented with the two opposing political forces. However, the whole story is an internal struggle through the barber’s thoughts. At the end of the text, the barber ultimately lets the Captain live, but, throughout the story Torres knew about the barber’s secret and his desire to kill him. Hernando Tellez’s short story teaches the reader that the direction of one’s life is dependent on the choices that one makes. Lather and Nothing Else is written in first person limited omniscient point of view and there is clearly a suspenseful tone throughout the story considering that it is written in the present tense. The tense is …show more content…

This object is typically an instrument to remove hair. However, this tool can also be used as an instrument of war. In this short story, the razor is symbol that represents the theme of choice. The barber has to make the choice whether to use the razor as a murder weapon or a tool for work. This short story contains situational irony because the reader expects to kill Captain Torres however, he does not. “I’m sure with a strong blow, a deep cut, he would feel no pain. He would not suffer at all” (Tellez 345). In this quote, he describes how he would kill Torres using his razor. Yet, in the end he ultimately chooses to let him live. The reader expects that the barber would kill Torres considering that the whole story was leading to that outcome. Surprisingly, the barber does not even lay a scratch on Torres and lets him walk away

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