
Latin Americ The United States

Decent Essays

Latin America took similar revolutionary movements in the Spanish speaking nations that the United States took against England, but the paths they took after that vary greatly. The way that the Spanish and Portuguese had controlled Latin America played a large role in the set up for how Latin America would cope after gaining independence.
There are several factors that play into why Latin America did not follow the same path as the United States, such as, their population, economy, and political system.
Latin America had a larger population of native Americans and Africans than in the English-speaking North America. Around nine million African slaves had been brought to Latin America, while only around one million Europeans had immigrated. An enormous portion of native Americans died off from the diseases brought over from the Old World, which gives reason to believe that European impact was greater than what the original numbers of immigrants implies. The import of Africans ended with the end of slavery and European immigration increased after that. During their control of Latin America, Spanish and Portuguese settlers had also exploited the native Americans of the area whereas the European settlers in North America pushed them aside; the sexual exploitation of native Americans led to mixing of people (Findley & Rothney, 2011). The populations of native Americans, Africans, and Europeans caused the mixing of cultures and peoples.
While in control over Latin America, the

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