
Law Enforcers Should Wear Body Cameras Essay

Decent Essays

Criminal Justice & Military Studies
Thesis: In the wake of the recent police brutality, the law enforcers should be encouraged to wear body cameras.
Argument for making use of body cameras:
• Record and keep track of the evidence at the scene of the crime.
A judge will be provided with the chance for them to see and hear exactly what took place at an incident, which is very different from reading reports that have been written down by the officers.
• The lowered litigation costs that arise from the expedited lawsuits.
The frivolous and the justified complaints against the police are bound to cost vast amounts of money in the jury verdicts and settlements.
• To instill trust in the public
The cameras will have the ability to reduce the complaints on the officers that make use of unnecessary force or poor behavior from the residence or the officer.
• Positive feedback
In the places where the body cameras have been used, there has been a reduction of the complaints as well as the use of force
Argument against making use of body cameras:
• Cameras are an invasion of privacy
In the event that the police are wearing a …show more content…

One of the advantages is that the cameras would be able to record and keep track of the evidence at the scene of the crime. The cameras ensure accurate statements as well as face recognition from the witnesses and the victims. There will be no need to rely on another person’s partial picture of what took place; the police will have their own. The use of the cameras by the officers on duty is bound to give rise to hard evidence when it comes to the decisions that are made by the officers when it comes to the high-intensity situations. A judge will be provided with the chance for them to see and hear exactly what took place at an incident, which is very different from reading reports that have been written down by the officers (Drover & Ariel,

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