
Le Corbusier Essay

Decent Essays

Charles-Edouard Jenneret more commonly known as Le Corbusier was born on October 6th, 1887, in La Chaux de-Fouds Switzerland. La Chaux de-Fonds was a small town renowned for its watch industry, situated close to the French boarder. Le Corbusier’s father was a watch designer for the town and his mother was a music teacher. From a young age Le Corbusier was attracted to arts and crafts, attending an art school in his hometown where he learnt about the watch making trade. In April 1902, Le Corbusier designed his first watch that was highly commended and exhibited in the Turin exhibition. However, it wasn’t until Le Corbusier met Charles L’Eplattenier, he would consider architecture as a career. Artist and Sculptor, Charles L’Eplattenier was Le Corbusier’s tutor at the art school and it was he who persuaded Le Corbusier to become an architect, giving him his first commission in 1905. …show more content…

Due to the success of the Villa Fallet Le Corbusier went on to design two further houses, named the Villa Stotzer and Jacquemet in his hometown before travelling to Europe. Whilst traveling Le Corbusier worked as an apprentice for many architects including, Auguste Perret and Peter Behrens, prior to moving to France with his cousin Pierre Jeanneret and opening up his own studio in 1922 (Franchetti Pardo, V. 1971). From looking at Le Corbusier’s designs you can see how the experiences he gained from working in various practices influenced his architectural ideas displayed throughout his career. For instance, when working in Paris Auguste Perret introduced Le Corbusier to reinforced concrete which later formed the basis of many of his modernist

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