
Le Roy Hysteria Case Study

Decent Essays

Le Roy, New York “Hysteria” Hysteria is a wide topic but you can always find it with scared people trying to justify something that has happened. Throughout history this is common amongst young girls. A good example is the Le Roy Hysteria. This hysteria was a “mysterious illness” among teenage girls at the high school in Le Roy, New York. In 2011 began the start of the Le Roy Hysteria with Katie Krautwurst. Soon the numbers grew, all teenage girls, from 12 all the way to 18 in a school of 600. Many doctors assumed that Katie got tics from stress in her life, as the numbers grew the more people looked into the problem. The girls showed “strange Tourette-like condition with tics”. It is more common the Tourette syndrome is to appear amongst teenage males rather than females. It is so uncommon for a dozen females in the same location to suddenly develop the Tourette syndrome. Psychological stress can cause many …show more content…

Seven of the twelve girls had gotten the strep antibody vaccine, all the girls were on different stages and for six of the seven the occurrence of this “hysteria” was more than a year after their last injection. Five of seven were negative on a toxicology screen test and two positive for prescribed medication. “Some environmentalists, such as high-profile activist Erin Brockovich, have suggested that toxic substances may be responsible for the girls’ symptoms. In particular they have referred to a site some three-and-a-half miles away (outside the nearby village of Lime Rock) where, on December 6, 1970, a train derailment resulted in the spill of one ton of cyanide crystals (which were promptly removed) and 30,000 gallons of trichloro­ethene (TCE), which still contaminates the site (En­viron­mental Protection Agency

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