
Leaders Vs Followers Analysis

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Growing up the saying, "Be a Leader, Not a Follower was something that was imbedded in my mind. So I did just that, being a follower was considered some sort of sin in my teenage mentality. Being a leader came with feeling superior along with having a great sense of pride. Encouragement for my children to be leaders verses followers is something I find myself reminding them of often. Even though I now consider myself more of a follower I've noticed as an adult I play the role of both leader and follower depending on the situation. At my place of employment I see myself as a follower but when I have my mommy hat on I see myself more as a leader. In both cases self-confidence plays a big role with how well each position is played out. My self-confidence as a leader/mother is much higher than that of a follower/employee. Either way I strive to …show more content…

Interesting enough, Barbara Kellerman identifies the five categories of followers as isolates, bystanders, participants, activists and diehards. Mrs. Kellerman describes isolates as those who do not communicate often with people outside their comfort zone and often have different point of views. Bystanders are well aware of what is going on around them but tend to stay out of the spot light and be more of an observer than a participant. Although when bystanders are encouraged they may have very valuable input. Participants support leaders efforts and have a great impact on others. Activists are known to be more energetic and passionate about their beliefs. Like with any of the categories activist have their benefits and downfalls. Many benefit from their commitment but activists sometimes have difficulty getting along with others or coming to a reasonable agreement. Mrs. Kellerman's last category falls under diehard followers. Diehards give it their all when it comes to something they strongly believe in and will sacrifice themselves for a

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