
Leadership, Leadership And Mobilization Of The Junior Nurses

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Nursing profession is a typical sector, which requires effective leadership, as it deals with matter of humanity and life. Leadership in nursing profession should be dynamic and inclusive so as to inspire the team members to a great performance index and to save the lives of the patients through efficient and quality leadership. Several leadership qualities from Abrashoff could be applied into the nursing profession to inspire, motivate, and empower the team members to greater heights of performance level and to ensure that they are satisfied with the level of leadership employed (Nemeth, 2003). To begin with, Abrashoff’s top-down leadership mechanism is nurses need to inspire them, as they will feel empowered and part of the system. …show more content…

Nursing profession requires communicators, since it includes passing information to patients who badly need it.
All nursing leadership should aspire to make the nurses feel appreciated by lowering their own stature and reflecting on themselves whether they are really efficient in their roles as leaders. Abrashoff critically analyzed his leadership abilities before taking over at the helm of the USS Benfold, before reflecting on how to change the members of his crew. He knew his weaknesses and appreciated them through fact checking and believing that the challenges can only be squared through collaboration and empowerment. He made all the members of the crew to be important stakeholder by constantly challenging them to find better ways of getting results. He did not like redundancy of the tasks and only wanted the best through collaboration (Abrashoff, 2007). Similarly, leadership in the nursing profession needs to ensure that they critically assess themselves and also facilitate the members of the professional body to help them instill changes. Leadership has to appreciate the roles played by the nurses as key stakeholders. Rules and the policies should be meant to streamline the functions rather than punish the members or limit their instinctive decisions.
Articles on Change Concept
Several resources are applicable in trying to explore the components of change concept that Abrashoff instilled into his members of the crew, using different

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