
Leadership Self Reflection

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The field of nursing is dynamic, challenging, and continuously changing, requiring strong and encouraging nurse leaders. From working at the bedside and providing direct patient care, nurses leaders are in a unique position to promote safe and quality patient care. A systematic review by Wong, Cummings, & Ducharme (2013) found that the relational leadership style resulted in improved patient satisfaction and patient safety outcomes, such as lower patient mortality, reduced medication errors, reduced restrain use, and fewer hospital-acquired infections. With a continuously changing and demanding healthcare environment, identifying and developing nurse leaders is challenging. Self-reflection and awareness is necessary to be a good leader, allowing one to identify limitations in leadership style to develop and improve upon leadership skills.
Leadership Self-Assessment Utilizing the AONE Nurse Executive Competencies Assessment, I identified strengths and areas of potential growth. Using the assessment as a guideline, I can focus on areas that need to be improved upon the most to develop into a better leader. When completing the assessment, I considered my role and performance as a registered nurse (RN) working in the intensive care unit (ICU). I also reflected on my role as a doctorate of nursing practice (DNP) student, what I have learned, and how I will apply these skills into my role as an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) upon graduation. I have never

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