
Leadership Style Of Adolf Hitler

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Germany has had a variety of leadership styles in the past century. A monarchy, a republic, and a dictatorship. All of this happening in the life span of a man named Adolf Hitler. He was an Austrian citizen with a tremendous amount of pride for the country of Germany. This man would be one of the most unrelenting dictators of the century, causing the bloodiest war in all of history, causing almost seventy three million deaths. You must be wondering, ¨How could a man that would cause that much damage get into a position of power?¨ He achieved the position of Furer through the use of loopholes in the Weimar Republic's voting system and setting up events that would devastate the current government, and ultimately increase his power. As well as using the failures of the republic, the great depression, and his public speaking skills, he took over Germany and led it through the events of WWII. Hitler's Involvement In the German Workers Party
For a man to take over a country, he must be determined, have passion, a drive. Adolf Hitler´s was the NAZI Party, previously known as the German Workers Party (DAP). The German Workers Party had very drastic views on the Republic in rule. They believed that the government is responsible for the failures of the country, that the jewish people are responsible for the lack of jobs and that they are inferior to germans, as well as communism and capitalism are going to be the destruction of the country. Adolf Hitler coincided in the ideals of the DAP, and joined them. But how did he find the DAP? Well, it is quite ironic. During an espionage task for the german government on the DAP, he disregarded the army, and joined them. When he started he thought their speakers were weak and didn´t have the drive it took to push this party into the race for power. So he said to give him a chance to speak. They did, and surprisingly, he was a huge success. Speech after speech the audience grew and grew. Until he had such a big audience that both the government and the communist supporters started going to them to see what all the ¨talk¨ was about. Fortunately for hitler, there were government people in the building, and when he got around to the idea a new government, he was arrested and sent

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