
Leadership Styles, Theories, And Servant Leadership. Leading

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Leadership Styles, Theories, and Servant Leadership
Leading is the last of four functions that Henri Fayol believed could be found in all management levels in different types of organizations (Satterlee, 2013, p.65). Leaders are the people that get others to work together to complete a task(s). Leadership can be defined by the effectiveness of the leader. The elements that make someone an effective leader have not been agreed upon by all researchers. Different theories, trait and behavior, have attempted to explain what makes someone a successful leader but ultimately, a success leader is one that follows the model of servant leadership.
Three Concepts
The three most important concepts learned this week were the concepts of leadership …show more content…

“Some of the traits central to the lists of almost all the researchers studying trait leadership over the years are intelligence, drive, integrity, and sociability” (Khan, 2013, p.831). While, past research has not proven trait theory to be all that accounts for good leadership, recent research has made trait theory relevant again (Khan, 2013, p.832). Robbins (2009) states that research efforts to find a set of universal leadership traits failed. Behavioral theory is different from trait theory in many ways. “Behavioral theories support the idea that individuals can be trained to be leaders” (Satterlee, 2013, p.105). The manner in which a person reacts in a situation with others is what behavioral theorists looked at. Behaviors are not set in stone, behaviors can be modified meaning that leaders can be made. Both theories try to explain what makes one person over another a success leader.
Servant Leadership
While researchers cannot agree on what makes someone a good leader, researchers can agree that leaders are able to pass on the vision of an organization to others to feel a sense of ownership (Nanjundeswaraswamy & Swamy, 2014, p.57). No matter which leadership style is chosen or displayed, an important concept to consider is the concept of servant leadership developed by Robert Greenleaf. Greenleaf cites how a typical Bible concordance lists over 1,300 references for “servant”, even though his essays on servant-leadership are not

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