
Learning Experience Rocks And Soil

Decent Essays

Learning Experience Seven: Uses of Rocks and Soils
1.The learning experience did not differ much from the original lesson, but a few changes were made due to my availability of resources. I did not read the book, Rocks and How to Use Them by Pine and Levine. I was unable to get the book for the lesson, but instead of reading this book, I allowed students to first think of uses of rocks and soils on their own, then discussed resources around the room that could possibly have rocks or soils as the main ingredient.
Section1a In this learning experience, all students were working in their zone of proximal development, which was created by child theorist Lev Vygotsky. This lesson included multiple ways of receiving the information; discussion, …show more content…

Students were first asked to think of everyday objects they believe are made out rocks and/or soils. Students mentioned glass, buildings, and kitchen counter tops. Students were able to develop a list of items that we use currently, but I encouraged them to think back to the past. I asked questions such as, “How did we make certain items in the past without having a Walmart or a Target?” I then asked students to think back to our lessons before rocks and soils, “What people did we learn about?” Students were able to identify the Native Americans. Student were able to name natural resources as the source Native Americans used to create tools and jewelry. I then activated the students’ knowledge by showing images of Native American jewelry, pots, and weapons which were all made out of clay. I asked students to think about what the items could be made out of. Students were able to use their knowledge of soil properties to correctly identify it as clay. Having a relationship with my students and knowing my students knowledge of Native Americans, made this learning experience an easy and fun experience for students. It also made the delivery of knowledge, one that catered to each child’s learning ability. Student got to view pictures, discuss uses, and have a hand-on experience with creating their very own clay creations. According to Piaget’s theory, “teachers have to make a curriculum plan which enhances their students' logical and conceptual growth. Teacher must put emphasis on the significant role that experiences-or connections,” (Piaget’s Theory of Constructivism). When we use students’ prior knowledge to connect to our everyday world/experiences, students have a greater opportunity to learn and grow in their

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