
Legal Drinking Age

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Legal Drinking Age, 18 or 21? People have always wanted what they cannot have. Starting in 1984, this is the attitude most lawmakers in America have taken with respect to underage drinking, since it was the time when many states changed their drinking age from eighteen to twenty-one. Lawmakers thought that if you raised the drinking age, people could drink more responsibly, because as you grow older, your brain matures and with maturity comes responsibility. Although this law, passed not even twenty years ago, was made for the safety of young adults, people now are arguing to have the law returned to the age of eighteen. Many college students, professors and teachers have a lot to say about this topic. From John McCardell, former head of …show more content…

The ideal of potential and prudence fit in with the fact that lawmakers can not single-handedly pick out who is mature enough to legally consume alcohol at the age of eighteen. With more developed brains at twenty-one, the risk for drunk driving and making poor decisions while under the influence are lower. According to the Mother’s Against Drunk Driving Association, the MADD, an estimated twenty-three thousand lives have been saved from the elevated age of drinking since it the law was passed in 1984. Although it has saved lives, McCardell says that “(raising the drinking age to twenty-one) forced alcohol consumption behind the closed doors of dorms and fraternity basements. Always unsupervised, done in secret and too often excessive, this style of drinking has no doubt been responsibility for the alarming rise in rates of so called ‘binge’ drinking seen at colleges” Looking further into McCardell’s statement, TIME magazine says that data does not show that binge drinking has gotten worse since states raised their drinking age. John Schulenberg of the University of Michigan and Jennifer Maggs of Penn State say, “During the past two decades, despite many social, demographic, political and economic changes…rates of frequent heavy drinking among those ages nineteen to twenty-two have shifted little.” Having the ideal of prudence, lawmakers have to take statistics under consideration. They have to choose the option of letting

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