
Legalization Of Euthanasia In Australia

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With recent changes to legalisation of child euthanasia in Belgium, the controversial issue of euthanasia is currently being spotlighted. Ongoing active discussion on the legalisation of euthanasia mainly debates individual’s choices in ending their own life. While some people believe that the act of euthanasia violates sanctity of life, others consider that one has the right to their life, and hence should be able to choose to be euthanized. This research will explore the various concepts of euthanasia, ethical dilemmas associated with euthanasia, and answer the question of “should voluntary euthanasia be legalised in Australia?” To support this, different viewpoints from supporters and opponents, various cases of euthanasia that …show more content…

Generally, the beneficiary of euthanasia are terminally ill patients who suffer unbearable pain. Depending on the method and person involved in the action, euthanasia can be classified into several different types.

Firstly, the difference between active euthanasia and passive euthanasia is the method used to end one’s life. Active euthanasia involves a deliberate action of killing, such as an injection of lethal substance. Passive euthanasia is a death caused by “not taking action”. For example, passive euthanasia is performed when the doctor stops necessary treatments like a life-support machine or surgery.

Furthermore, euthanasia can also be classified into voluntary euthanasia (VE) and non-voluntary euthanasia (NVE). Voluntary euthanasia is performed with a direct request from the patient who is mentally capacitated. In contrast, family members make a decision for NVE, on behalf of the patients in Persistent Vegetative State (PVS) who is unable to communicate. Here, the living wills expressed by patient when they had mental capacity, like ‘do not resuscitate’ notices, are highly valued when requesting for …show more content…

Several public pro-euthanasia groups such as Exit International run by Dr Philip Nitschke, and South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society (SAVES) support legalisation of VE for various reasons.

Firstly, these supporters believe that VE should be legalised in Australia for the sake of the patients who suffer excruciating pain. This is because euthanasia is considered the only way to rid them of their pain and end their suffering. The supporters argue that there is no value and dignity in prolonging life, when the patient’s quality of life is low, and they have no hope of recovery. Another reason supporters agree with VE is because they believe that people should have the highest claim to their life, and hence, should have the right to choose to die.

Furthermore, VE can be advantageous for financial reasons in that it would free up medical funds for other patients in need for help. The majority of Australian public surveyed supporting VE further increases the chance of legalisation of VE.


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