
Essay on Legalization of Marijuana

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Legalization of marijuana Morals and politics are what make up the structure of this country, so when an issue receives mixed responses coming from two different points of views it becomes contraversial. The legalization of marijuana is a controversial subject; however, there are many positive arguments to support the idea. First of all, it is very expensive to keep marijuana illegal. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana has also proven to contain positive medicinal uses for illnesses (Marshall, 67). In addition to its positive use, ignorance keeps the public unaware of the fact that alcohol and cigarettes are far worse. The American government is simply approaching this issue very poorly, because the …show more content…

This is an enormous waste of scarce federal dollars that should be used for other issues. The truth is that there are crimes far more serious than marijuana. The government can certainly focus on serial killers and rapists rather than waste its time tracking down peaceful hippies who are trying to forget about the harsh realities of the real world. An English philosopher who went by the name of John Stuart Mill wrote On Liberty, an essay, which defended the rights of individuals with freedom devoid of government regulation, provided that they caused no harm to others (78, Marshall). He also expressed how "the only reasonable basis for restricting personal habits (such as drinking) was to protect others from injury." (81, Marshall) Accordingly to Mill, the only reason to restrict personal habits, such as drinking, is in order to protect others. When was the last time anybody ever heard of a pothead or a hippie harming anyone? Hippies were the anti-war protestors during the 60's, and potheads are generally peaceful people who just want to smoke marijuana. Therefore, violence would be against their nature. When the framers of the constitution finally ratified the document, it included certain rights, which form the backbone of this country. The right to privacy is a basic human right, which is included within the constitution. Two score and five years before that, the Declaration of Independence guaranteed

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