Why it should be legalized on a government level
Marijuana has been shown to improve the lives of many people. This amazing plant has shown to have significant health benefits, has caused less harm than tobacco and alcohol. With that the only reason that marijuana was criminalized was to further spread racism in the U.S.
Health benefits
Marijuana has been shown to improve the lives of people with , nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy according to Broder LE, Lean NL, Hilsenbeck SG. This was a test that showed the benefits of this drug on numerous people without the side effects of other drugs. Marijuana has shown to be a remedy for other conditions such as,glaucoma which it has been shown to lower eye pressures in users, according to Tomida I, Azuara-Blanco A, House H, Flint M, Pertwee RG, Robson PJ. Effect of sublingual application of cannabinoids on intraocular pressure. Along with various various other conditions, a list can be seen here - https://www.marijuanadoctors.com/content/ailments/index Which has caused more harm?
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Together these kill over 500,000 people annually. according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Alcohol and Public Health: Alcohol-Related Disease Impact (ARDI). Average for United States 2006–2010 Alcohol-Attributable Deaths Due to Excessive Alcohol Use. this shows the horrendous effect of these perfectly legal items. Even tylenol has killed more than marijuana with a death toll of 150 people. According to an article by the Huffpost,(reference No4). these compared to marijuana’s death toll which is zero, which brings the question of how isn’t tylenol more regulated? It seems the answer boils down to
Marijuana has negative side effects on a consumer that may end up being the reason why the legalization is wrongful. Most drugs have crimes tied along them, and this automatically gives a reason to keep drugs illegal. Along
individuals believe that the United States would need somewhere between “… 4 to 10 times
Recent laws that regulate marijuana have been a hot topic of debate. On on eland, people argue that legalizing marijuana will result in more use of the drug and crime. On the other hand, people who favor marijuana reform laws suggest that marijuana actually improves health and decreases crime rates. This topic caught my attention because as a college student in an urban area, marijuana use is very prevalent. Although marijuana is illegal, it is still bought and sold on a regular basis underground or on the black market. In these circumstances, crime rate continues to rise. Therefore, my purpose is to compare crime rates in places where marijuana is legal, such as Colorado and Washington, to places that marijuana has yet to be legalized.
Marijuana is the people’s drug of choice; it’s the most popular drug of all the drugs. Made famous in movies (Cheech and Chong), hit an all-time boom in the 60’s when smoke to rebel against law enforcement. It is popular even though it is illegal in the United States; I explain in this paper why we should take advantage of its popularity and help our struggling economy. How we can use the way Amsterdam regulates its recreational marijuana, and implement it in the United States. Violence will drop dramatically especially in the towns close to the Mexican border. These are more than enough reasons as to why we should legalize marijuana, there is nothing but benefits.
Out of all 50 states, 23 of them have legalized the use of medical marijuana, including our capital, Washington D.C..With that being said, I believe that marijuana, medical and recreational, should be decriminalized nationwide. The United States is in tremendous debt as a result of our own mistakes, and offering our help to other countries. If marijuana were legal in all 50 states, and were taxed to the benefit of surpassing our debt, we would become increasingly financially stable.
Marijuana has several medicinal benefits that some have accepted and started the study and use of, although many still don't. These include better treatment for causes of peripheral neuropathy , a relatively safer and better alternative to a great many cancer treatments, and also has fewer and less severe side effects of opioids used in medicine. Tests show that medicinal marijuana is more effective than most commonly prescribed treatments for peripheral neuropathy, which includes diabetes, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injuries. According to the CMCR(Center for Medicinal
Marijuana is a very popular drug that many people have used. Over 98 million people over the age of 12 in the United States have smoked marijuana. It is known under many different names such as: weed, bud, ganja, hashish, doobie, reefer, mary-jane and grass. It plays quite a substantial role in modern day pop culture and almost everyone over the age of 16 knows what it is. Despite all this, marijuana is illegal and in most states a person can be sent to jail for the possession of less than a gram of this substance. Even if the person is doing nothing wrong and is subjected to a random search, if that person has marijuana on them, they will be charged with a criminal offense and sent to jail. Marijuana should be legalized because it can
The legalization of the drug marijuana is a hot topic nowadays. Many people want this substance to be legalized and regularly available like cigarettes. But what some people do not know are the serious health risks involved when using marijuana. There is a lot more to marijuana than just smoking it.
Marijuana or Cannabis is a hallucinogenic drug that contains a very high amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It can be used for both medical and recreational reasons, but it is currently illegal in most states in this country. This drug has been illegal for the majority of this country's history, and just recently several states like Washington, California, and New York have passed laws so that people with medical issues are able to consume this drug for their own medical needs
In the United States of America it is illegal to sell, possess or use marijuana. In the United States of America it is legal to sell, possess and use marijuana. So which is it? Illegal or legal? The answer is both. The subject of marijuana is a current widespread, ever evolving hot topic of debate with seemingly opposing Federal and State laws.
Legalizing marijuana has been a dispute in American for several years now, yet should not be considered. Marijuana also referred to as cannabis or weed is one of the most controversial drugs in the world and especially in the United States. Many people believe that it should be legalized because of medical reasons but on the contrary this substance does more harm than good. Society has been negatively affected in many different ways through this hallucinogenic drug. Crime rate has increased because of marijuana and legalizing marijuana would only increase this rate. Also through the legalization of marijuana our society is at harm of many risks. Our youth
A number of movements to legalize marijuana have been gaining attention lately. Currently there are 14 states where marijuana is legal for medical use (medicalmarijuana). 41% of U.S. citizens believe marijuana should be legalized (drugpolicy) but others are still concerned about health damage. American society has lost the war against marijuana, and that's okay. We should stop wasting time and money trying to reverse history and instead legalize both medical and recreational use of this mild narcotic widely seen as no more harmful than alcohol.
Epilepsy is a chronic seizure disorder that affects nearly 2 million Americans every day. Epilepsy is defined as a neurological brain disorder that creates sudden and reoccurring episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, and uncontrollable convulsions (“About Epilepsy” 1). Individual and anecdotal case studies show that marijuana can help control seizures in epileptics. However, medical marijuana usage is not legal in all states. Therefore, parents of epileptics are forced to pick up and move their lives to a new state when they are faced with no other option. Parents are not allowed to go to a different state to retrieve the marijuana and bring it home, as that is illegal too. (“Medical Marijuana-ProCon”).
Marijuana or Cannabis is one of the bused drugs in America and the rest of the world. Interesting accumulating evidence show that the significant negative impact of this drug outweighs the positive effects. However, the medical benefits of the drug seem on the process of chemical compounds as compared to the drug itself. Medical debates show that chemical compound in marijuana are the problem as compared to the plant. The said chemical compound affects the mental and physical health of the persons abusing this drug. There have been traditional efforts to control the use of marijuana through legislation laws, (Crick, Haase, & Bewley-Taylor, 2013). However, in the recent past the efforts and the laws are being lifted to relax the implementation of the same legislations and the population is responding fast in accepting the legalization of the use of marijuana. The aim of this paper is to discuss how lifting on the laws of the said drug indicate adverse tolerance of Cannabis among populations. The paper will also discuss impact of legalization marijuana on the safety, security and overall quality of human life. Also, the paper will analyses the effect of relaxation of the laws controlling this drug to other hard core drugs such as cocaine, heroin and meth-amphetamines among others.