
Legend By Marie Lu Essay

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Legend The military walked up to Day’s house and knocked on the door plague. The military went in, after 20min they came out and put a red X on the Door showing that they had the plague. Day had to get the medicine and fast but how will he get it and will it be in time? In this fiction book with 305 page book called Legend by Marie Lu, you will find out if Day can save his family or If he dies trying. In Legend there are two main characters named Day and June. Day is a criminal who steals stuff from the government and makes them look bad so they are always looking for him even though they're not quite sure what he looks like. Days family thinks he's dead even though he's not and he watches over them very carefully. In this city there is a …show more content…

One day when June's brother is in the Doctor's office on night watch when Day goes in and tries to steal some medicine. Day and June's brother get in a fight and when they were fighting another guard named thomas comes in and accidently shoots June's brother instead of Day. Day escaped but June's brother is dead and Thomas doesn't want to get in trouble so he just says that Day killed him. The next day June is moved out of college and is sent on a mission to go and catch Day even though they still don't know what he looks like she's going to try to find him. June tries to catch day by telling people to tell him that she has medicine to give him if they meet up. Day knows it a trick but he goes to meet up with her anyway to see if he can get information about where the medicine is stored. June and Day meet up in an ally but their not face to face cause they are both hiding but they talk and then Day run away after he realizes that he not going to learn anything. One night Day was in a fight with someone on the street and he's getting beat up when June comes in and saves him. June and Day then get together and start to fall in love. One morning Day kisses June and that's when June realizes that its Day the guy she's been

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