
Leon's Monologue

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The guilt only seeped through the cracks when he least expected it, and no place was safe. Not the stillness of the forest, not in Leona's voice or Logan's. Wherever he was, it was too, waiting for a split second of vulnerability to bury its fangs within, Benson was a tiny white mouse in a glass tank with a Burmese python who hadn't eaten in months. There was no escape, no matter how many times he cracked his skull against the glass, it wouldn't break. He was too weak. In a room at the top level of his exquisite home, the boy kept five snakes, all tenderly cared for and loved just the same. The huge tanks were spread along the wall, with practiced cursive sharpie labeling each one of his reptiles. Benson was beyond passionate about them; …show more content…

His favorite was an albino gopher snake named Hiss, a mild-tempered female who didn't mind being held. She ate on time and never bit, either, not to mention her excellent listening skills. To an invisible boy in a giant house, Hiss was a hero. She was the only face to greet him consistently each morning and each evening, thus, when the New Plague struck, the first and last thing Benson thought about was his snakes, Hiss included. Although he received the vaccine, it didn't guarantee his safety, or his parents', or his snakes'. Almost as quickly as it started, it was over. The ending was a rampaged house, wrecked and ruined, alongside two dead parents and five beheaded …show more content…

Leo smirked, explaining that the store lacked quality even before the New Plague, so she wouldn't be surprised if everything was a couple years old, at least. After, she shrugged innocently, chewing a sunflower seed. For some odd reason, Benson found the notion deliriously funny. He laughed, teeth stained red, and then, Logan laughed, too. Leona joined in, accidentally spewing a half-crushed shell into Logan's hair. It made them laugh even harder. Still chuckling, she combed it out and tossed it at Benson. It landed in his

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