
Letter : Letter For A Letter Essay

Decent Essays

Dear…, If I’m being completely honest, I’m not sure how to start this. You and I, we don’t have a relationship at all, yet here I am coming to you, asking for help. I need you to help me solve this problem I’ve been facing and I feel like you’re the only one that can help. My problem is: what is my worth? You may be wondering why I chose you to help me. The answer is fairly simple-you started this mess. Here are just a few examples as to how you started this problem: Garden Grove Hospital and Medical Center-that’s where I was born. Did you know that? Don’t expect you to considering you weren’t there. Where were you? Busy being selfish and doing your own thing? The least you could’ve done was given me your name. Am I not good enough for it? Does it sound funny? Am I not worthy of such a title? You know, I’ve been asked numerous amounts of times (most likely more than the toes and fingers of my 32 psychology classmates), why my last name didn’t match up with my families. You know what I’d say? I’d simply lie and say “Well my mom wanted me to keep her dad’s name going as long as possible.” Thanks for not being there. I remember being about 4 year old, and out of the blue you called me. Why on earth would you do that? Not only did you call, you even sent gifts! I may have been a little girl, but did you really think I’d be happy cause I received a gold chain bracelet with diamond shaped purple gems and a white cowrie shell necklace. You truly think I’m only worth a solid

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