
Counselor's Letter

Decent Essays

Counselor met with Pt. for his monthly individual session. Counselor and Pt. discussed his progress in treatment, any medication issue, any triggers and acceptance of his TX plan. Pt. signed his Record Service sheet. Pt. indicated that he does not attend the clinic Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday and he likes having more time in his schedule because he likes to take care of his business and different errands. Pt. verbalized how hard it is to stay away from his business because worried about his employees and clients. Pt. stated, “The business is like my kid,” Pt. spoke about how he is thinking about opening a second shop around this area. Pt. commented that he isn’t experiencing serious side effects and prescribed medication is working well. Pt. informed this …show more content…

stated, “I am not lonely. I am currently dating someone.” Pt. stated being more than financially stable and is able to take care of his bills and business first. Pt. identified that the major trigger for his uncontrolled spending is boredom. Pt. decided to share his previous negative lifestyle when he did cocaine and how he always was able to pay his bills. Counselor told that he needs to recognize the danger of using cocaine and remember the negative impact of the addiction in his life. Pt. reported that cocaine increased his negative habits and problems during that period of his life. Counselor educated Pt. about how he can use his support system to help him with boredom. Also, Counselor prompted him to reveal an amplified honesty in the family interactions. Pt. commented not having any family members. Pt. spoke about how he likes to be by himself and how he does not talk to his brother and sister since 2011. Pt. explained that they always look for him when they needed money and never paid him back. Primary Counselor taught Participant that boredom can be attributed to the shift from a substance-using to a substance free lifestyle. At the end of the session Pt. discussed and completed the S.N.A.P

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