
Lewis And Clark Personal Statement

Satisfactory Essays

Ever since I started attending school, I have been frequently transferred from one school to another because my parents want me to be well-educated, but most importantly, become a doctor. As a result, I am like a floret from a dandelion moving in the breeze and not knowing where I will be landing. Sometimes, landing in the same plot of soil would not promote individual growth as increased competition weeds out the weaker ones. However, a successful population contains unique individuals which mutate in different directions. In other words, I am that one individual floret aiming to diverge, evolve, and advance the society. Growing up in Taiwan, the society creates an image of being a doctor, a lawyer, or an entrepreneur equals success and dignity. …show more content…

In general, the previous schools that I had attended were rather conservative in the sense that there is a lesser degree in the freedom to flourish in distinct fields of study. Therefore, I crave in expanding my abilities in different fields and in different places. I decided to turn to American education to challenge this stereotype. Attending Lewis & Clark College would allow the broadening of my perception in both academia and profession-wise. I see Lewis & Clark as the fertile grassland that can assist my pursuit for knowledge as it provides a large diversity of programs and working relationships with multiple companies. Ultimately, Lewis & Clark College serves as a springboard for me to achieve a higher ground throughout my career path. The opportunities provided in Lewis & Clark College could potentially elicit the inner potentials of myself to develop in the society and better represent myself as a successful candid from the

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