
Liam Epperson Biography

Decent Essays

This year in US History we learned about the United States of America. Content was based on how this country was born. How people came. What have they experienced throughout their journey. How this place became a country, what strength did it take. Many more questions came but these are the ones that stand out to me the most. The United States of America is the nation that has history that first wanted land in the new world (present day US). That came from England for it, but instead fought for freedom and the good of their future generation. In this class we learned on how the new world started to develop and fight for the freedom from Britain which is called the American Revolution. One of the projects that involved how the American fought against Britain was the Comic Book Project. This project taught me Time management. My partner for this project was Liam Epperson. The perspective we chose …show more content…

Our final part we chose was the Bill of rights. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of rights. The Bill of rights protect our rights and list some specific prohibitions on governmental power. The USA won the American Revolution. The main cause America winning the Revolution was because of strategy, for a cause of freedom. Strategy the American Officers were trained by the British, so it would be quite easy to determine what plan they were going to use. The project has taught me what it took the people to get freedom from the British rule. The Comic Project brought feelings back to life. For example, take our comic it brought out the feelings of how the African Americans felt and why, for America to win they wanted to get freedom from their struggles. Some fought in the wars to fight for freedom so they can be free and, so they can be reunited with their families. Others fought for America to free from British

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