
Liberalism, The Political Philosophy On Ideas Of Equality And Liberty

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Liberalism Liberalism is the political philosophy on ideas of equality and liberty. Liberalisms focus is on the general ideas of fair elections by the people, civil rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, free trade, and private property. As with all things though, the way the idea of liberalism can viewed differ by each individual person and the trails they have gone through. Liberalism is no exception from this phenomenon and during the nineteenth Century there were many trails changing people and there by their views on liberalism. This change would eventually lead to Social liberalism and many other similar yet different sects of what is now considered classical liberalism. Liberalism inception in the west actually began with the ancient Greeks and sprung up in full force during the English Civil war. The modern ideology of Liberalism though can be drawn back to the Humanism which defied the supremacy of the traditional church in Renaissance Europe. The idea of Liberalism gained more momentum during the Glorious revolution of 1688 which led to what some consider the first modern liberal state of Europe. It was not until John Locke though that the total idea of liberalism was drawn up and produced. Locke nurtured the notion in his book Two Treatises on Government of 1689 that established two central liberal philosophies: economic liberty (the right to own and acquire property) and intellectual liberty (freedom of conscience). Locke’s natural rights theory

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