
Library Of Babel

Decent Essays

A Game from God A god is a mysterious being. One who, according to Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, creates an “ineffable game of his own devising” (14). After All, a god is first and foremost a creator. However, his “game” can be seen as a “complex and obscure variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards,for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won’t tell you the rules and smiles all the time” (14). Gaiman and Pratchett’s description of a god seems to come inherently with an all-knowing fickleness, and there are many others that would agree with this description. Jorge Luis Borges also seems to be captivated by the “complex and obscure” game that seems to arise when gods, or a powerful creator, takes control (14). Jorge Luis Borges …show more content…

The narrator itself holds an undeniable power over the reader. They contrive the story that is presented and therefore directly influence what you perceive. In “The Library of Babel,” the Borges’ narrator provides information in such a way that it devizes a sort of game for the reader to figure out the pieces of the nonsensical puzzle. For instance, the library is described in such fantastic physically imaginable detail, with exact measurements of the “twenty bookshelves,”and the exact confines of each librarian, yet the entire space is still inconceivable (112).It is almost as if we are given, by our narrator, simultaneously too much and not enough information needed to create a mental picture of the space. In the end, the reader is left scrambling for a meaning that may or may not even be there. Similarly, Borges’ presentation of the unreliable narrator in “The South” provides a circumstance where they. however unknowingly, outlay a narrative that contains misleading paths, meaningless endings,and much more of the confusions that would please a trickster god. The narrator,in both of these stories, has the power of creative license over the reader, the are a god that manipulates a world that the reader will then perceive. This manipulation, is mysterious and confusing and ultimately leads readers to questions truths that may not even be …show more content…

Borges constantly writes in puzzles and mazes that the reader must traverse with only a few tools to help them on their way.In “The South,” the reader is torn between the narrator's escape or imprisonment in the sanitorium; “The Witness” provides both hope and cynicism in death; “The Library of Babel” is both infinite and finite. All of these stories contain oppositions and questions posed to the audience. Although, the reader may come to one,much like Ts’ui Pen’s “forking paths,” Borges’ stories themselves have multiple interpretations and answers (125).Borges, in his short stories, becomes the ultimate all knowing “smiling” god that creates the world in which the reader must traverse with limited knowledge to find an answer that might not even exist (Gaiman and Pratchett,

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