
Lies In The Crucible

Satisfactory Essays

The Crucible written by Arthur Miller, takes set in 1692 Salem, Massachusetts. It begins with Reverend Parris, watching over his unconscious daughter Betty, unsure of her ailment. The entire town is immersed with rumors that witchcraft is what is ailing Betty. The night before, Reverend Parris had seen both Betty and his niece Abigail dancing in the forest with his slave, Tituba. When confronted, Abigail accuses several women in her town of practicing the art of witchcraft. In the concurring panic the young girls each assimilate with Abigail’s ludicrousness, saying they each are ailed by some sort of “witchery”. Throughout the play there are constant lies and deceit. Not only did the characters lie to one another, but to themselves as well.

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