
Lies In The Crucible

Decent Essays

Arthur Miller in The Crucible implements many conflicts that define the plot. The people of Salem were in a state of paranoia after suspected witchcraft by some of the villagers. This state of paranoia caused many other conflicts in Salem. Many villagers attempted to lie their way out of witchcraft conviction which led to conflicting sides and drama. Because lies will eventually catch up to you, Mary and the girls were facing big consequences for attempting to cover up the witchcraft they were involved in. Lies and deceit played a key role in the unfolding of the plot as Mary Warren and the other girls involved had conflicting stories. John Proctor mentioned to Mary that “God damns all liars” because he suspected her of using deceit to tamper with the truth (Miller 196). This quote is the religious way of saying you will eventually be punished for lying. Mary wanting to tell the truth about Elizabeth Proctor’s accusation of witchcraft countered the whole lie the girls set up to cover up their act of sorcery in the forest which made all of the lies catch up to the people who told them. The countering of these lies created a situation of mistrust and paranoia because nobody knew who was being truthful and who was not. …show more content…

Mary telling Harthorne that she “only thought [she] saw them but [she] did not” indicates that she originally claimed to have seen them but then changed her story to get herself out of trouble. This is important to the story because of the clearly evident deceit that the girls of Salem use to avoid punishment for their unfaithful actions. Later in Act III this attempt to cover up a lie comes back to haunt Mary and reflects the theme of lies and deceit bringing you down in the end. Mary shows self-pity towards the end of Act III even though her own lies dug her into the

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