
Liesel And Rudy Relationship Essay

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How My Friend and I Are Like Rudy and Liesel Like the relationship that Rudy and Liesel have, I have a similar friendship with one of my friends, Ariana. I would say it would be in the sense that we are like family. Like sisters to be specific. Some of the reasons that our relationship is similar to the one that Rudy and Liesel have is that we insult each other, but we never truly mean it, we always hang out, and the basic fact that we know each other and our family situation. Let’s start off with the fact that we know our family situation. In the novel, Rudy knows about Liesel’s family situation. Same goes vise-versa. Rudy knows that Liesel has foster parents, and a dead brother, and Liesel knows about Rudy’s large family. Now Ariana and …show more content…

Now this happened when Bianca rudely interrupted Ariana’s and my conversion. Now to get this clear Bianca is my best friend, but I just didn’t want to talk to her. So I glared at her but she was too busy pointing something about her conversation with her crush. Ariana immediate knew what I was going to do though. I was going to manipulate Bianca into leaving me alone and I was going to guide her into talking to her crush/ best friend. So what I immediately do is start to talk with her crush about one of her interests and I brought Bianca into the conversation. I start to fade away from this conversation I have absolutely no interest in, and I go back to talking to Ariana. She didn’t immediately give up on the conversation because she knew I was going to go back the conversation we were having. Now here comes the name calling bit. In the book, Liesel and Rudy hardly ever call each other by their actual names. They usually call each other “saumensch” or “saukerl.” They call each other that so many times, that if I were to point out the times they called each other that from the first half of the book, this essay would be done. But they never use these words for their true meaning as insults. Instead, they use these words as a term of

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