
Life Altering Events That A Woman Can Ever Experience

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“Stop living in the past, when you are pregnant”.
“Pregnancy is one of the most powerful creations and miracle. It is one of the most beautiful and significantly life altering events that a woman can ever experience” (Elisabeth Hasselbeck).
Much research is being done to determine both the myths and reality related to pregnancy. This paper shows that there are some myths related to pregnancy coming from old wives, regarding diet such as what to eat or not to eat, exercise, stress, medication. Moreover, there are misbelieves related to prediction of baby’s sex as well.
Some major myths related to pregnancy are as following:
• Diet
• Exercise
• Prescription and medication
• Expectations
• Stress
1. “All over the world, …show more content…

2. “Even though pregnancy is typically a happy time, its still very common for expecting moms to struggle with prescriptions and medications to deal with depression and other conditions”:
“Medication is taken as optional or is least adopted as a treatment regimen in case of maternal depression. One of the other hand, it is adopted in the case of gestational diabetes. Old wives believe that medication should not be taken during gestation and that the emotions are simply a natural part of pregnancy. It is also an emerging issue concerned to drug interaction in few selective cases such as women on antidepressants or drugs in their pre-pregnancy state” (Macdonald, 2015).
Pregnant women who took antidepressant that causes infant heart problems. “A prominent study linked selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a commonly prescribed type of antidepressant, to a rare heart and lung condition called persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). In addition, another study connected the drugs to congenital heart defects” (Moninger, n.d).
3. “Although exercise is good for health but there is stigma related to various exercises among pregnant women. Some woman believe that exercise will maintain their muscle strength whereas others avoid exercise due to its bad impact on the baby”:
Some pregnant women should avoid exercise, researches shows that it could affect baby’s heart rate and development of brain. Supine exercises are the

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