
Life Course Theory Essay

Decent Essays

The life course theory is a theory of “life progression” through time of birth to death. The life course epidemiology is considered to be the study of long-term biological, behavioral, and psychological developments that brings the link between adult and the potential of disease risk as a result of physical or social exposures proceeding from conception, during childhood, adolescence, early adulthood or through generations (Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries, 2010). Essentialy, the theory stipulates that biological and social components interact with each other to produce health conditions during an individual’s lifetime (Nickitas, Middaugh & Aries, 2010).
Human development involves the act or process of developing, which biologically means “growth” …show more content…

In this model, there is a continuation of social circumstances throughout an individual’s lifetime during which a series of relatively minor factors may become a pathway to disadvantage instead of one major factory (Nickitas, Middaugh & Aries, 2010). This approach offers significant hope for improving health because it proposes a study of the social factors that impact health (Nickitas, Middaugh & Aries, 2010). Furthermore, this model allows health care providers to consider the accumulation of social factors that impact an individual’s health throughout their lifetime. For instance, a child born into poverty may be pre-disposed to a cycle of health risks in the course of its life (Nickitas, Middaugh & Aries, 2010). The nursing theory of health promotion, which can best be defined as “the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health” (Shoqirat, 2013, p.2715), provides a platform that can be utilized to implement health intervention policies to mitigate the risk

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