
Life In Ancient Sparta Summary

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The author of “Life in Ancient Sparta”, Brian Walsh, talks about how life was for the ancient Spartans. Sparta was Greece’s military city-state. The lives of the Spartans was much different than the lives of average Greeks such as the Athenians.
First of all, the men and women of Sparta began building a military society, mainly due to the helots, who were slaves. The Spartans became part of this system right from birth. They were raised until a specific age, so they could serve the military. According to Walsh, “They decided to develop a full-time army, something no other Greek city-state had, with which to control the helots” (Walsh 11). Also, “At age seven, Spartan boys moved out of their homes to live in military barracks with other boys of their age” (Walsh 11). The evidence shows, Sparta had made a good decision building a military. Due …show more content…

At age seven, boys began training in the military. Girls trained to stay healthy. Walsh states, “There they began training for the life of warriors. Boys were grouped into companies under the care of a paidonomas, or warden” (Walsh 11-12). Also, “Unlike the boys, Spartan girls remained at home. But like the boys, they also were required to exercise every day, because Spartans wanted healthy mothers. Training for girls continued only until marriage, however” (Walsh 12). This evidence conveys, that the Spartans devoted their men to the military. This is because, Spartans wanted very strong warriors in their military. That is why the boys would train and develop their physical strength every day, to become ready for the life of being in war. On the other hand, the women of Sparta needed to be healthy and fit. Due to, being a healthy and strong mother can lead to having healthy and strong children. That would be very important if she gave birth to a boy, who was unhealthy and weak, like their mother. That would be due to the lack of

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