
Life : My Essay And Aspects Of My Life

Decent Essays

They say life is a roller-coaster, it has its own ups and downs, well my life is a notable example of that quote. I wouldn’t say my life is perfect, nor me. Instead, I would say I’m awesome the way I am. I’m a person who loves to help others. I believe that there is only one race and that is the human race. If you can’t fulfill the relationship of humanity, then you are not capable of fulfilling any other relationships. In all, I would say the more positive I am, the more positive my life becomes. The roller-coaster started when I was born on June-11-2002, in Bangladesh. I was born in a family with one elder sister and brother. At that time, I was the youngest child in my family, so I was pampered, but not for too long because my little brother was born when I was ten years old. My brother and sister were and are annoying. At that time, I was a brat, annoying, but a fun-loving girl. I really enjoyed my childhood. Childhood enjoyment ended I started going to school. I was five when I started school in Bangladesh. I stared from 1st grade and stop at 3rd grade since my family had to moved to U.S. In Bangladesh, I was one of the best students in my school, not my words, my teachers always told me that. I was heartbroken when I found out that we’re moving to America. Which meant I had to leave everything and everyone behind to start a new life. After going through all the procedures, we finally reached America. In America started from 4th grade, in the GEE White Academy, where I

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