
Life Of Being Born As A Hermaphrodite And The Contradictions That Medical Management And Medical Investigators Have On Them

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The article mainly discusses the life of being born as a hermaphrodite and the contradictions that medical management and medical investigators have on them. The author of the article, Anne Fausto-Sterling, believes that hermaphrodites are human too and that the medical field should only worry about the hermaphrodite’s health conditions rather than their physical appearance. The article states that Western culture strongly agrees that there are only two sexes, so being a hermaphrodite is none existing. They are simply unexplored by science itself (pg. 2). Sterling believes that hermaphrodites have needs as well as problems that need to be met and that they deserve to be accounted for as sexes. The five sexes that are being discussed are male, female, and intersex. Intersex is described as a catch-all category for the subgroups that share both male and female characteristics. That creates the term hermaphrodite (herms), which are people who have both male and female parts. The second subgroup is called male pseudo hermaphrodites (merms) which are people who are born with mostly male parts. The third subgroup is called female pseudo hermaphrodites (ferms) who are those who mainly have female organs. The article focuses on the structure of how hermaphrodites are classified. Ferms, which are the females, are mainly female because they still develop a menstrual cycle during puberty but if they do not take any medication for their disorder, they would develop traits as a

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