
Life Stage Reflection Paper

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expecting me to walk in. I was home with him throughout birth up to 18 months. He did not experience day care at this stage. I would say he quickly established hope and trust between us, and transitioned successfully to the next stage. During the next stage, which is Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt; occurs between the ages of 1 ½ to 3 yrs. This is the time in which a child is learning to become more physical and trying to become independent. (, 2013.) Around the age of 2 yrs. Joseph began pre-school; he had a smooth time transitioning. His teachers expressed their concern for a speech delay. Shortly after a couple moths of school, he began to speak. Before he began to speak I do recall him being frustrated by not being able to communicate with me by language. It was as if he had so much to say, but couldn’t get it out. Once he started talking he didn’t stop, and had no problem telling me what he needed! He was independent and had a smooth transition with potty training, and learned by the time he was 2 and half years old. He began walking around one and half years of age, and would run ahead to enjoy himself in new settings. I believe he successfully completed this life stage and showed signs of asserting his independence. He transitioned smoothly into the Initiative vs. Guilt stage. Initiative vs. Guilt stage occurs around the age of 3 to 5 years old. According to Erikson, this is the time that children began relationships with other children and learn

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