
Lifeskills Training Program

Decent Essays

Out of the all programs that I researched from the Crime Solutions website, the one that stood out to me the most was the “LifeSkills Training” program. The reason behind why I choose this program is because I actually have a family member (cousin) that went through this program, who was heavily involved in drug and alcohol abuse, as well as being party of a criminal gang and participating in numerous illegal activates. Until he faced the biggest obstacle in his life, he was arrested and had to spend a portion of his life behind bars when he was only fifth teen years old. Luckily this situation made him realize he was just throwing his life away and decided to switch his whole life around. When he made this decision, he took it very serious and while being locked up he demonstrated good behavior at the facility he was housed and was released early on parole (age 17 years old). When he was released, that’s when he discovered the LifeSkills program.

The LifeSkills program is a classroom-based tobacco-, alcohol-, and drug abuse–prevention program for adolescents ranging from 11 to 18 years old. The goals of LifeSkills are to prevent tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug abuse by targeting key risk and protective factors associated with these behaviors. LifeSkills is designed to: (1) increase knowledge of the adverse consequences of substance use; (2) promote anti-drug attitudes and norms; (3) teach personal self-management skills; (4) teach general social skills; and (5) teach

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