
Light And Darkness In Romeo And Juliet Essay

Decent Essays

The key point of light and darkness in William Shakespeare’s classic, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet accentuates how the mystery of prohibited love has consequences. Shakespeare uses imagery of light and darkness to express the uncontrollable love between the two. In the beginning of the play, the subject of light and darkness signifies new upcoming adoration. Amid the beginning meeting of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo exclaims,” The torches to burn bright(1.5.42).’’Shakespeare utilizes light in this statement by expressing the sudden love he first experienced while meeting Juliet. While Romeo witnesses Juliet on the balcony, imagery describing how angelic Juliet is stimulates. Comparing her to the sun so bright that she makes the moon “pale with grief(2.2.6) ‘’.The imagery of light is used to epitomize their new upcoming passion for one another. Despite how …show more content…

Imagery of light is used to betoken love and anticipation, but the account of darkness is to explicit sorrow and agony. “This day’s black fate on more days doth depend; This but begins the woe others must end (3.1.81-82).’’ Romeo painfully states this while realizing how he just killed his very own best friend due to his unruly actions. The representation of dark connotative adumbrate the deadly actions leadinG to Romeo’s abrupt decision to murder his sworn enemy, a Capulet. After murdering Paris and Tybalt he opens the tomb where Juliet was upon and states,”A grave, Oh no.A lantern, slaughtered youth; For here lies Juliet, and her beauty makes; This vault a feasting presence full of light(5.3.84-86).’’Romeo’s details of Juliet does not align the ideal chronicle of death. Habitually, a tomb would be perceived as death and darkness however Romeo is claiming Juliet is so alluring she gleams as a lantern

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