
Like Water For Chocolate Literary Analysis

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Like Water for Chocolate One of the reoccurring symbols I found throughout the novel was the idea and the action of crying. It was said that Tita came into the world prematurely in a great wave of tears caused by Tita crying in the womb due to the chopping of onions, and that shaped her life and the way she expresses herself. I think its accurate enough to say that crying was Tita’s primary form of expression throughout the novel. From what I gathered while reading, the only person who ever really cared about what Tita was feeling was Nacha, no one else paid her much mind. However, I think thats important because whenever Tita cries, her tears get an involuntary reaction from the people who experience it. For example, when she cries into …show more content…

There is a deep rooted disappointment and despair in every story in this novel. It seems as though there are all dealing with personal difficulties and suffering because of them, most of the time turning to alcohol. The one that really stood out to me however was “The Fun House”. Nezzy endures so much pain in her life and while it would be easy to give into her grief, she chooses to continue fighting and she refuses to sink under the pressures of her …show more content…

Mohammad has a myriad of people who love him deeply and care for him. His teacher, his sisters, his grandmother, and in the end I see it with his father as well. The blind can not rely on themselves for everything, so God places them in the lives of the best people, making them luckier than some in that sense. Also, he puts the blind in the lives of those that need him the most as well. His father thinks he can fix his life if he doesn’t have Mohammad, because he will get to marry this young girl and he regains a life seemingly without burden. However, his life doesn’t need fixing. He has a wonderful family he takes for granted, and when he is faced with losing his son, he can’t bring himself to abandon the child who loves him so

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