
Lily Owens Quotes With Page Numbers

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Lily Owens has endured a very difficult upbringing, and has never really felt that her physical “home” is where she belongs. Lily decides in the beginning of the novel that she is unsatisfied with the way she is living, constantly being abused and mistreated makes lily realize that this is not the home that she deserves or wants. As she makes her way to the Boatwright house lily witnesses a home full of warmth, love and belonging this is something that lily deeply desired “I felt that somehow, I belonged here”(4, 78). After just a few weeks of living in the Boatwright house Lily gets a taste of what it feels like to have a “home”, Lily is attracted to the warm family atmosphere and the way the sisters love and protect each other, yet she worries that they won't “keep her”. …show more content…

Lily overhears a conversation between June Boatwright and August, where June explains that the color of her skin matters and that she does not belong in the Boatwright house “but she’s white, August” (5, 87). Lily “[wants] to make [August] love [her] so [she could stay in the pink house] forever” but she knows that she will never truly “belong”, because she is not the same as theirs. Another example of this is during the weekly meeting of the Daughter of Mary, each member and sister would go up to the Statue of Mary and touch her heart. Lily took part in this ritual and as it was her turn to go touch Mary’s heart, June turned off the music and lily again realized “I am not one of [them]” (6, 111). Lily desires to be a part of their family, but she struggles with the feeling of being an outsider. At the end of the novel, lily is faced with a demand from her father T.Ray to come “home”, lily then realizes that physical home is not “home”, she belongs in the Boatwright house “ Lily can have a home here for as long as she wants” (14,

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