
Limitations that Freedom of Speech Should Have Essay

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Freedom of speech should have some limitations. The American people should have the right to say whatever they want, but to an extent. Whether it is on signs or verbally some things should not be expressed. The United States is well known for being “the home of the free,” but some people take their freedom a bit too far. People can burn flags, protest at military funerals, even use the “n” word and watching pornography in libraries. To start off, our country has come so far since September 11th, but right after caused a state of confusion with the entire nation. While it has only been 12 years since it has happened, it had caused my husband’s family to move away from their home in Oak Lawn. During that whole week after there was a bunch …show more content…

Every day there are new threats, and it is hard to tell which ones are real and which ones are not. One of the most certain things is, when people are in a fragile state do not make anti-American remarks. If someone hates the United States, he or she can leave and move to some other country. Every person has a right to his or her own opinion but to bash on a country that gave you such liberty is a disgrace. There will always be a window where people can say whatever they want and most people will not get offended. There are also times where comments are so inappropriate, that they should never be said, and that is how making anti-American comments and burning of the flag is never appropriate while on US soil. Next, when a soldier dies, a family has to prepare a funeral and all that goes into laying his or her daughter for an eternal rest. Sadly, military funerals are one of the more common targets that Westboro Baptist Church protests. Members of the Westboro church can hold up signs at military funerals that say, “Don’t Pray for the USA,” and “America is Doomed” (Biskupic Protest). One of the funerals that the Westboro Church protested at was Matthew Snyder’s. Matthew was 20 when he died. Matthew’s father Albert states that, “A man who dies for his country, for peace, should not have a father who has to fight to bury him in peace” (Biskupic). When any person in the military who fights

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