
Limnologists Essay

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Limnologists look over the affects of peoples activity, weather, and other points on the current and future health of waterways. They conduct tests like water sampling, analysis, and monitoring to determine if pollution from manufacturing, farming, or recreational activities have hurt the health of an area. Limnologists may work with colleagues from other sciences and earth sciences fields, including geologists, meteorologists, and zoologists. Limnologists collect samples of water, plants, insect, and animal life for analysis and observation. This may include observing animal habitats surrounding water and capturing fish or other wildlife. They conduct tests for pollution and other factors that affect water, keep records on environmental changes, and records of the biological organisms found in their region. Limnologists employed by institutions, FIsheries, Forestry services, Agricultural …show more content…

Bureau of Labor Statistics reported employment for hydrologists was to increase 10% from 2012-2022, while employment of biological scientists was expected to grow at a slower-than-average rate of 7% throughout the decade. This may be partly due to the rapid growth of bio as a field, environmental awareness, and research methods. Limnologists with advanced doctoral degrees may have to compete for the academic and grants available through universities. Research positions in the private sector and through government agencies may be more available, but competition may arise if more scientists seek out those opportunities due to the lack of academic jobs, according to projections for biological scientists. Salary data is not available for limnologists, but comparisons of similar science occupations in May 2013 showed a median annual wage of $75,710 for hydrologists and $57,430 for zoologists and wildlife scientist. college biological science professors earned a median annual salary of $75,740 during that same

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