
Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

What is Literature? Literature can be interpreted whichever way you want, it just depends on which way you are truly looking at it. From my experience in school, I learned that literature is basically anything written. Before knowing truly what literature represented, I would only consider well known books such as Catcher in the Rye or 1984 solely as works of literature. As I continued my school, I learned more information about what is literature. Literature does not have to make sense to everyone who reads it, it does not need to be condensed in a way for someone’s liking, as well literature does not need to be explained to be considered authentic. Literature is words put together on paper with endless possibilities as understandings for …show more content…

I found Moraga’s writings to be relatable because I am a Hispanic woman and can agree wholeheartedly with the points she made within. I consider her work literature, because it is understandable. It has a beginning, middle, and end. And most of all, it hooks me as a reader and makes me want to continue reading on. I feel like literature should make you want to flip to the next page and continue reading. The distinction between literature and a story whether short or long depends on the quality and eloquence of what is within the lines. Within Moraga’s story, we find out parts of her which are written clear enough to make you feel like you know her. As well, she gives background to her racial history which allows you a better understanding of what is she getting across in her story. A point that stout within Moraga’s story was the part about how she identifies herself. She does not solely identify herself as a Mexican woman writer but as a Chicana writer. She then goes on a tangent to explain how identifying as Chicana does not give background to her racial or cultural identity but instead rubs in the face of America, that she is not going to blend in like many people do. She talks about how literature is mostly represented by the European world and that their work is “regurgitated” often. Unlike the European writers, Chicano writers are given little to none exposure

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